Thursday 28 January 2010

Revised scores for 27th January 2010

On Wednesday 27th Jan, three boards were inadvertently played the wrong way round. The scoring programme I have been using did not allow this to be catered for in the scoring, so - as a temporary measure - I scored the boards as 'spoiled' (i.e. they could not be played) and both pairs were awarded averages. However, I've now contacted the programme writer, Jeff Smith, who told me that the programme has now been updated and pair numbers can now be changed on the score sheet. So I have uploaded the latest programme and rescored the event, and you will notice some differences.

I hope the fact that this kind of mistake can now be corrected will not encourage members to sit in the wrong seats!{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 Duplicate Pairs 27/01/2010 (printed at 28/01/2010 11:43:31)
\par Session 1 Section Sect33
\par 6 Table 24 Board Howell Movement
\par Director: Peter Rowlett
\par Scorer: Peter Rowlett
\par ==================================================================================
\par Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
\par ==================================================================================
\par 1 12 Peter Rowlett & Phyllis Spratt 160.80 240 67.00%
\par 2 10 June Blair & Biddy Bainbridge 140.80 240 58.67%
\par 3 1 Ray Blouet & Audrey Blouet 139.20 240 58.00%
\par 4 5 Stan Goldhawk & Rita Goldhawk 134.60 240 56.08%
\par 5 3 Geoffrey Fry & Harry Ruffell 118.00 240 49.17%
\par 6 11 Carol Curling & Norman Thompson 115.40 240 48.08%
\par 7 2 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 112.00 240 46.67%
\par 8 6 Jean Kendall & Sheila Mann 110.00 240 45.83%
\par 9 7 Lucia Margarito & Betty Horrex 109.60 240 45.67%
\par 10 9 Dick Chard & Jan Chard 103.40 240 43.08%
\par 11 8 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 102.00 240 42.50%
\par 12 4 George Hutter & Diana 94.20 240 39.25%
\par ==================================================================================
\par }

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Results 27th January 2010

I'd ask players - especially Norths - to take a bit more care when they fill in the travellers - checking that they've entered the pair numbers correctly and scored the right side. Things had started to improve but now seem to be going downhill again.

Something that affects many bridge clubs these days is slow play. It's rather disappointing for a director to find that when he comes to ask pairs to move, at one table they are putting down dummy for the last board. In future, if the time is up for a particular round and at one table (or more) players still haven't started to play the hand, then that board will have to be taken away and players will receive an average score. When other pairs are moving and one table is still playing a hand from the previous round, there's a chance that one pair might sit down at a vacant (but wrong) table.

Results are as follows:Duplicate Pairs 27/01/2010 (printed at 27/01/2010 19:32:18)

Session 1 Section Sect33

6 Table 24 Board Howell Movement
Director: Peter Rowlett
Scorer: Peter Rowlett
Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
1 12 Peter Rowlett & Phyllis Spratt 173.40 240 72.25%
2 1 Ray Blouet & Audrey Blouet 134.60 240 56.08%
3 10 June Blair & Biddy Bainbridge 132.80 240 55.33%
4 5 Stan Goldhawk & Rita Goldhawk 125.60 230 54.61%
5 3 Geoffrey Fry & Harry Ruffell 121.20 240 50.50%
6 11 Carol Curling & Norman Thompson 115.60 240 48.17%
7 7 Lucia Margarito & Betty Horrex 113.60 240 47.33%
8 2 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 110.00 240 45.83%
9 8 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 104.80 240 43.67%
10 6 Jean Kendall & Sheila Mann 99.00 230 43.04%
11 9 Dick Chard & Jan Chard 100.40 240 41.83%
12 4 George Hutter & Diana 99.00 240 41.25%

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Results 20th Jan 2010

Results are as follows:

Duplicate Pairs 20/01/2010 (printed at 20/01/2010 18:29:09)

Session 1 Section Sect32

7 Table 24 Board Howell Movement
Director: Peter Rowlett
Scorer: Peter Rowlett
Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
1 14 Phyllis Spratt & Peter Rowlett 204.00 288 70.83%
2 11 Audrey Blouet & Ray Blouet 186.00 288 64.58%
3 2 Kate McGhee & Janet Poll 178.00 288 61.81%
4 10 Biddy Bainbridge & June Blair 165.00 288 57.29%
5 12 David Lightfoot & Pamela Lightfoot 164.00 288 56.94%
6 5 Stan & Rita 152.00 288 52.78%
7 4 Alfred Hoffman & Inge Hoffman 147.00 288 51.04%
8 9 Lucia Margarito & Clara Jenkins 142.00 288 49.31%
9 8 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 135.00 288 46.88%
10 6 Heather Hearne & Eugene Hearne 130.00 288 45.14%
11 7 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 118.00 288 40.97%
12 1 Danny Keating & Jean Kendall 102.00 288 35.42%
13 13 Tanya Macandrew & John Streeter 99.00 288 34.38%
14 3 Harry Ruffell & Geoffrey Fry 94.00 288 32.64%

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Results Wed 13th Jan 2010

There were 5 full tables today. Results are as follows::

Duplicate Pairs 13/01/2010 (printed at 13/01/2010 18:56:11)
Session 1 Section Sect31
5 Table 24 Board Howell MovementDirector: Peter Rowlett Scorer: Peter Rowlett ================================================================================== OVERALL RANKSRank Pair Names Total Max Score ================================================================================== 1 7 Kate McGhee & Yvonne Minto 118.00 192 61.46%
2 10 Audrey Blouet & Ray Blouet 112.00 192 58.33%
3 3 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 107.00 192 55.73%
4 1 John Streeter & Tanya Macandrew 106.00 192 55.21%
5 4 Heather Hearne & Eugene Hearne 99.00 192 51.56% 6
6 Dick Chard & Jan Chard 94.00 192 48.96%
7 9 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 90.00 192 46.88%
8 8 Lucia Margarito & Clara Jenkins 87.00 192 45.31%
9 5 Pamela Lightfoot & Harry Ruffell 86.00 192 44.79%
10 2 George Hutter & Sheila Mann 61.00 192 31.77%==================================================================================

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Results for Wednesday 6th January

There were just three tables today. The results are as follows:

1st Yvonne and Sylvia 57.5%

2nd David and Pamela 50.0%

3rd = Heather and Eugene 48.7%

3rd = Tanya and John 48.7%

5th Mo and Fred 42.5%

6th Pam and Tom 40.0%