Wednesday 31 March 2010

Results Wednesday,31st March 2010

1st Ray and Phyllis 63.7%
2nd Malcolm and Jean 61.6%
3rd George and Biddy 58.75%
4th Fred and Mo 57.9%
5th Fred and Sue 50.8%
6th Sylvia and Yvonne 47.5%
7th Sheila and Helen 46.2%
8th Stan and Rita 45.4%
9th Harry and Geoff 43.7%
10th Kate and Janet 43.3%
11th Danny and Jean 42.5%
12th David and Pamela 38.3%

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Results 24 March 2010

Results are as follows:

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 Heritage Coast BC Duplicate Pairs 24/03/2010 (printed at 24/03/2010 19:00:30)
\par Session 1 Section Sect43
\par 6\'bd Table 24 Board Howell Movement
\par Director: Peter Rowlett
\par Scorer: Peter Rowlett
\par ==================================================================================
\par Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
\par ==================================================================================
\par 1 12 Lucia Margarito & Clara Jenkins 129.00 220 58.64%
\par 2= 2 Rita Goldhawk & Stan Goldhawk 119.00 220 54.09%
\par 2= 6 Tanya Macandrew & Elizabeth Horrex 119.00 220 54.09%
\par 4 3 Mo Blackburn & Manette Baillie 118.00 220 53.64%
\par 5 1 Phyllis Spratt & Sylvia Thorp 117.00 220 53.18%
\par 6 4 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 113.00 220 51.36%
\par 7 7 Diana Biddlecombe & Tricia Dobrashian 112.00 220 50.91%
\par 8 13 David Lightfoot & Pam Lightfoot 109.00 220 49.55%
\par 9 8 George Hutter & Jean Kendall 108.00 220 49.09%
\par 10 14 Audrey Blouet & Ray Blouet 102.00 220 46.36%
\par 11 11 Kate McGhee & Biddy Bainbridge 110.00 240 45.83%
\par 12 9 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 97.00 220 44.09%
\par 13 10 Sue Chate & Fred Chate 87.00 220 39.55%
\par ==================================================================================
\par }

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Results 17th March 2010

Today one table did not record the score after playing the hand; and one board was unplayable by another table after it was found that the curtain cards had been replaced in the wrong slots during the previous round. The blame for this second error is not to be laid wholly at the door of North - it was clear that the board had been removed from the table during the play of the hand, which is against the rules, and E/W could have objected to this, or at least made certain that the curtain cards were replaced properly. In both cases a small matchpoint fine was imposed.

Unfortunately it was discovered that the traveller for Board 1 could not be found. A thorough search has been carried out without success, and so Board 1 could not be scored. If anyone finds the traveller amongst their papers, etc, I would be glad to have it. Needless to say, there would be no penalty, just gratitude that the event could be scored properly.

This is not a unique occurrence - many years ago, at another club, a traveller went missing and it was generally believed that a player who had got a bottom had taken it home with him, ensuring he and his partner would get at least an average score for that board.{\ ==================================================================================
\par Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
\par ==================================================================================
\par 1 8 Peter Rowlett & Phyllis Spratt 101.84 160 63.65%
\par 2 9 Audrey Blouet & Ray Blouet 93.17 160 58.23%
\par 3 1 Danny Keating & Jean Kendall 87.87 160 54.92%
\par 4 4 Rita Goldhawk & Stan Goldhawk 84.70 160 52.94%
\par 5 5 George Hutter & Pam Lightfoot 81.33 160 50.83%
\par 6 2 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 80.87 160 50.54%
\par 7 6 Harry Ruffell & Geoffrey Fry 72.25 160 45.16%
\par 8 11 Diana Biddlecombe & Alan Biddlecombe 70.58 160 44.11%
\par 9 12 Tanya Macandrew & John Streeter 69.83 160 43.64%
\par 10 7 Kate McGhee & Janet Poll 69.30 160 43.31%
\par 11 10 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 66.95 160 41.84%
\par ==================================================================================
\par }

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Results 11th March 2010

You will make life easier for the scorer if you (a) record your result in the correct place on the traveller (b) don't write anything on the traveller if you happen to be sitting out for those boards (c) if you are determined to write on the traveller, don't put 'passed out' when you mean 'sat out'; they mean very different things (d) do make sure the result of the hand you have just played is scored on the traveller. Two pairs got an 'average minus' score on one board for not recording it.

Therre are several positives, however. Nobody has played the wrong boards, or played them the wrong way round, for a long time; and generally speaking the speed of play is satisfactory.

Results are as follows:==================================================================================
\par Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
\par ==================================================================================
\par 1 15 Peter Rowlett & Phyllis Spratt 166.16 264 62.94%
\par 2 6 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 149.00 264 56.44%
\par 3 7 Clara Jenkins & Lucia Margarito 148.33 264 56.19%
\par 4 4 Audrey Blouet & Ray Blouet 147.97 264 56.05%
\par 5 12 David Lightfoot & Sheila Mann 144.83 264 54.86%
\par 6 13 Tricia Dobrashian & Diana Biddlecombe 137.17 264 51.96%
\par 7 1 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 133.00 264 50.38%
\par 8 5 Elizabeth Horrex & Jack Clayton 132.17 264 50.06%
\par 9 16 Biddy Bainbridge & Pam Lightfoot 130.67 264 49.50%
\par 10 2 Kate McGhee & Janet Poll 127.13 264 48.16%
\par 11 8 Alfred Hoffman & Inge Hoffman 137.50 288 47.74%
\par 12 11 Danny Keating & Jean Kendall 117.34 264 44.45%
\par 13 14 Rita Goldhawk & Stan Goldhawk 111.50 264 42.23%
\par 14 9 George Hutter & Sylvia Thorp 116.33 288 40.39%
\par 15 10 Harry Ruffell & Geoffrey Fry 114.50 288 39.76%
\par ==================================================================================
\par }

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Results 3rd March 2010

Results are as follows:

\par Rank Pair Names Total Max Score
\par ==================================================================================
\par 1 12 Kate McGhee & Janet Poll 216.00 288 75.00%
\par 2 14 Peter Rowlett & Phyllis Spratt 177.00 288 61.46%
\par 3 11 Lucia Margarito & Clara Jenkins 174.00 288 60.42%
\par 4= 6 Jack Clayton & Dick Chard 152.00 288 52.78%
\par 4= 9 David Lightfoot & Sheila Mann 152.00 288 52.78%
\par 6 8 Fred Harris & Mo Harris 150.00 288 52.08%
\par 7 13 Rita Goldhawk & Stan Goldhawk 142.00 288 49.31%
\par 8 2 Manette Baillie & Mo Blackburn 139.00 288 48.26%
\par 9 5 Tricia Dobrashian & Diana Biddlecombe 132.00 288 45.83%
\par 10 3 Pam Fellowes & Tom Fellowes 128.00 288 44.44%
\par 11 7 June Blair & Biddy Bainbridge 120.00 288 41.67%
\par 12 10 Jean Kendall & Harry Ruffell 115.00 288 39.93%
\par 13 1 Pam Lightfoot & George Hutter 110.00 288 38.19%
\par 14 4 Fred & Sue 109.00 288 37.85%
\par ==================================================================================
\par }